Internal Medicine
Seeing an internist for an initial consult can take 4-12 weeks. Your patients can't wait that long and they shouldn't have to.
We bring internal medicine to you.
We want to help you and your patients by providing detailed treatment plans based on the latest scientific research and technologies.
Many people joke that all internal medicine cases go through a rigorous diagnostic plan only to be put on steroids for their treatments. The bottom line is that there are, in many cases, better choices than prednisone. Along with nutritional support, biome support, and treating a pet wholistically our internists can guide you with detailed written recommendations, responses to specific questions and can be available via Zoom if needed.
Written Consultation Includes:
Clinically relevant pathophysiology
Interpretation of diagnostics
Recommendations for additional diagnostics OR monitoring diagnostics
Targeted and supportive treatment options
Additional information can be provided as requested e.g.:
Client Information sheets
Abstracts of pertinent literature
Arranging a Consultation
Please email us at Please include a summary of the case and your contact information in the body of the email. Please attach pertinent data, including medical records, bloodwork results, cytology, biopsy report, images, and imaging reports.
Your report will be prepared within 72 business hours.
Cost of consultation: $325
Additional questions regarding same case may incur a charge of $35 at the specialist's discretion.